Saturday, April 07, 2007

Going To California......

Looks like this last week of rumors and leaks is just a prelude to what might rival Interbike '06 for cool introductions and surprises. Several things will be revealed that will be fun to see up close. I'll be there to report on it along with Tim Grahl for Twenty Nine Inches. Tim is supposed to be bringing this rad microphone that records digitally and will be doing interviews and podcasting. I will be poking my nose around and writing up some pithy commentary for your eyes to read.

Look for some pics here and some posts concerning the vibe and the folks at Sea Otter. There will be alot of mingling and some famous mugs might show up on Guitar Ted Productions that ya'all might recognize.

Posts will be made, but not at "the usual times" so please bear with me. I'm traveling all day Monday.....all day! So, Monday's post will be made from some airport layover or another. Tuesday and Wednesday are the Trek/Fisher Press Camp days and then the Sea Otter expo on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday will be another travel day and then it's back at 'er a week from this coming Monday.

On another note: Secret Project #2 is nearing the final stages of frame building and is slated to be painted soon. The project has developed into just what I was hoping it would be and is looking fantastic so far. Stay tuned for more updates and a sneak peak maybe soon.

Have a great weekend! I'll probably not post again until Monday due to the Esater holiday.

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