Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mid-West 29"er Get Together In '07?

Okay, one of the most dangerous things one can do is to think. You know.....too much time on my hands, sittin' around, thinkin'............. I say it's nothin' but trouble!

I say that because as I was doing this thinking thing, I envisioned something akin to what George Wissel did out in Vermont with the "Meat Up" and also what goes on out West with Sea Otter. Meld the two together, put the event in the Mid-West, and have a bang up, ride 'em hard, fun, get down 29"er party around these parts. Not a race, no! A good time 29"er get together, ride, and informational time.

Okay, so is this even a sane idea? Who would come to such a thing? I'm thinking it's a time for 29"er afficiandos to mingle, ride, and maybe even have some informal discussions or even clinics on how to ride these beasts, invite other curious tire kickers, and just spread some love 'round. Have it at a place that has a great variety of trails here in the Mid-West. Camping would be a must. Near a decent sized city, even better.

I'm not saying this will happen......just puttin' out the idea to see if it makes any sense to anybody out there. Got a better idea? A comment or two about what I've got? Write me a comment! Good or bad, let me know.

I was just thinking............that's all! Really!

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